Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gallery Walk

November 24, 2015

Objectives:  I CAN evaluate and critique the artifacts on career clusters. 
Gallery Walk
Make a copy and change the name to your name

Please add this document into your folder.

Go through and look at five career clusters you are interested in.
Fill in the document as you go.
Return to your first choice Career Cluster and place your name on that tree.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Career Clusters Continued

November 18, 2015

Objectives:  I CAN research career clusters.

Career Cluster Research Continued from Yesterday
Look at the specific career in your career cluster you choose last week
Find out what major you would need for that career
Find out three classes you would need for that major
Find two colleges that have the program you need
Find out how much schooling you would need to be successful in your career 
(undergrad, master's, doctorate, etc.)

You can use CFNC to research.

Think of a symbol of your cluster and put all of this on it to make a "leaf" (must be different than last time)
For example:  If our career cluster was education I could put all of this on cut-out of a ruler.

Due: Friday, November 20

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Career Clusters and Colleges

November 17, 2015

Objectives:  I CAN research career clusters.

Career Cluster Research
Look at the specific career in your career cluster you choose last week
Find out what major you would need for that career
Find out three classes you would need for that major
Find two colleges that have the program you need
Find out how much schooling you would need to be successful in your career 
(undergrad, master's, doctorate, etc.)

You can use CFNC to research.

Think of a symbol of your cluster and put all of this on it to make a "leaf" (must be different than last time)
For example:  If our career cluster was education I could put all of this on cut-out of a ruler.

Due: Friday, November 20

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Advising for Success

November 12, 2015

Today is Advising for Success.
What do you need to work on?
What do you need help with?
Fill out the GoogleForm and begin working.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Career Cluster Jobs

Tuesday November 11th

Objectives:  I CAN research career clusters.

Career Cluster Research

1.  Pick a specific career in your career cluster (has to be different than other people)
2.  Job description
3.  Job responsibilities
4. Starting salary
5.  Average salary
6.  Think of a symbol of your cluster and put all of this on it to make a "leaf
For example:  If our career cluster was education I could put all of this on cut-out of a ruler.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Career Clusters

November 4, 2015

Obj: I can research career clusters.


Decide which career cluster to focus on.
(Business Management or Health Services)

1.  Find a famous person in your career cluster (you can't do the same as anyone else)
2.  On a "leaf" include the following information: 
Name of Person
Dates of birth and death
Job description and responsibilities
Job Title

Choose two of the following to include:
Where they worked
Famous quote they said about career
Biggest achievement/ accomplishment
How they impacted cluster

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Career Clusters

November 3, 2015

E.Q: Discover what career clusters are.
Obj: I can research career clusters.

Use the link below to take notes on career clusters.

For each:
Write the career cluster
Write 1 career
Write 1 interest
Write a star or "X" based on whether you would be interested in this cluster

Our two clusters are Business Management and Health Services.
On the bottom of the notes sheet write which cluster you would rather research